Poké Mart

Project Overview

This adorable logo animation is a collaboration between my closest friends to create something fun as well as research how to get better at Motion Design. The project began from an inquiry to how things are made in Buck’s Apeel: Nature and How We See It. Having done so many master study After Effect tutorials, I was investigating how I can translate a master study into something personal instead of just a replication. 

  • Motion Designer


In this project, our primary challenge was to create a 2D hand-drawn look for the Pokemons and Poké Balls, which were moving and rotating in a 3D space. To achieve this, we used different techniques for each element.

We modeled the Poké Balls in Cinema4D, and then used Element 3D to texture and render them. For Poliwag, Jigglypuff, and Gastly, we utilized shape layers and CC Sphere in After Effects. For Magnemite and Tokepy, we rendered them in C4D. Finally, we added a “boil” effect to give everything a hand-drawn look using the Turbulent Displace effect in AE.

In addition, we also created the colored rings of circles using shape layers, shape operators, and JSX expressions. You can find a detailed tutorial from my YouTube channel, NoSleepCreative, on how we achieved this effect in After Effects below.


Creative Direction: Desmond Du

Lead Animator: Desmond Du

Design & Animation: Rasita Kartarahardja, Diana Rex, Alex Escobar

Music: Victory! Wild Pokémon – Pokémon X & Y