
HEMLOCK Creative Direction: Desmond DuDesign & Animation: Desmond DuType Animation: Zach HixonCreated: 29 May 2019 GENESIS This spring, film director Natalia Marty reached out to the Desmond Du It Better with…

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Seven Sins

HEMLOCK Creative Direction: Desmond Du Design & Animation: Desmond Du Type Animation: Zach Hixon Created: 29 May 2019 GENESIS My peer Ivanna Smith approached me for an opportunity to glitch the…

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https://vimeo.com/336220881https://vimeo.com/337651121 AKASHA Design & Animation: Desmond DuCreated: 23 May 2019Special Thanks to My Teachers: Dominique Elliott, Michael Betancourt, Austin Shaw, Minho Shin, John Colette, Kelly CarltonSpecial Thanks to My Friends:GENESIS We, from…

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Post-Cinematic Affect

https://vimeo.com/323615611 POST-CINEMATIC AFFECT Design & Animation & Direction: Desmond DuPost-Cinematic Affect Theory: Steven ShaviroCreated: 14 March 2019Cast: Desmond Du, Diana Rex, Joseph Gai, Katherine Monday, Nestor Tomaselli, Rasita Kartarahardja, Riley…

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https://vimeo.com/260824712 Project Overview Nirvana is our manifesto of mindfulness.We live in this hectic world and we forget the little moments, the purpose of the things we do, and we are…

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